FoodProFuture at SmakÅs

FoodProFuture contributed to SmakÅs Saturday 13. October 2018 with information, tastings and two field presentations of Faba bean as a food legumes produced in Norway. In addition to the presentations, tastings of hummus, made from yellow field peas grown at NMBU, on Norwegian pea flat bread produced by Holmen Crisp were served. They were delicious!
Try our recipe at home:

Elling-Olav Rukke wants you to make the climate friendly hummus at home. Photo: FoodProFuture
HUMMUS from field peas
300 g yellow field peas (soaked and boiled)
juice from ½ lemon
4 cloves of garlic
1 ts salt
1 ss tahini
1⁄2 ts cumin
ca. 11⁄4 dl vegetable oil