FoodProFuture aims to develop a knowledge platform for turning raw materials from plants into tasty, healthy and attractive food products full of protein. Our research shall enable the Norwegian food industry to produce high quality and sustainable plant-based alternative food products. We provide a path for accelerating adaptation and value creation from future food products.
The project is hosted by The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Plant Sciences.
Project leader Anne Kjersti Uhlen, NMBU
Phone: +47 67 23 28 14 / +47 909 700 78
Ole Jørgen Hanssen, Østfoldforskning
WP1: Life cycle & environmental impact
Wendy Waalen, NIBIO
WP2: National plant bio-resources
Svein Halvor Knutsen, NOFIMA AS
WP3: Processing technologies and model foods
Tove Guldbrandsen Devold, NMBU
WP4: Quality of materials and products
Antje Gonera, NOFIMA AS
WP5: Consumers, innovation and market
Elling-Olav Rukke, NMBU
WP6: Dissemination
Project period:
1. April 2017 – 31. March 2021
Project funding:
The BIONÆR programme, The Research Council of Norway, Project no: NFR 267858
Project Consortium:
Nine national and five international academic partners are involved in the research activities. Fourteen partners from food industry companies are actively participating with advice and raw materials. See partners.